As a newly single male three years ago, I was really lost. I did, what I suspect most guys who have been out of the dating pool for as long as I was, did. I thought immediately that I needed to find a replacement/rebound/distraction female. But I knew better this time around. And since I was living at my friends' house, my choices were limited.
I decided I'd try online dating. It had worked once before during one of the few times I broke up with the same woman. It should work again. Sad to say, it didn't. It was a rude awakening and almost the exact thing I didn't need right then. It was a total insecurity enhancing place.
I have never been the guy that women see in pictures and immediately fall in love with. If I was, I'd be an actor. It also occurred to me that being on a regular dating site offered no unique selling proposition for me. Afterall, I was 38, unemployed and living in my friends' guest bedroom.