It makes the world go 'round. Without it, stock markets wouldn't offer the casino-like drama and riches. Without it, we wouldn't be able to experience the polarity of euphoria and misery, the emotions that label some as bi-polar, are in fact resident in everyone of us. Degrees of it at least.
I don't read news, yet it finds me! I've recently been inundated with Rihanna/Chris Brown news, I use the term "news" loosely. What has me fascinated is that everyone is so surprised and is offering this couple advice. I would first recommend that we look into our own screwed up relationship history. I'm not condoning physical or verbal abuse, but let's face it, they're adults, they likely have close family and friends around them to help them. But, onto my point.
Every relationship is the victim or beneficiary of volatility. Every couple fights. Usually, it helps create a counterpoint to allow for a period of jubilation. We're all addicted to this drama of life. It reminds us of why we're together. It allows us to feel bad and feel regret. We're all, to some degree, addicted to being in love. I see it in parents. When their child is with them, they feel like they need time away. When the child is absent for a few minutes, never mind a day, they miss the kid so much. When the child returns, it's all hugs and kisses. Ten minutes later, back to normal.
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