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Monday, February 14, 2011

Bull shit meter

Excuses set off my bull shit meter big time. Words and actions have to be aligned. When the two contradict, it's best I run.
I've said it before, that generally, peoples own insecurities come through in their comments. Cheaters usually worry about being cheated on, liars worry about being lied to and so on. 
The challenge I have is being able to separate my emotional attachment which clouds my good judgement and justifies and rationalizes the subject's words and actions. It's a shame. I see this situation all around me. i know how to deal with it, but in my own life struggle.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Self - less versus Self - ish

Been thinking of the practical meaning and application of the two actions. Particularly as it relates to romantic relationships. I constantly told that being selfless will make me feel much better than being selfish.
Once again, they (they being the well intentioned, misguided and generally wrong) have never really tried being selfish.
To be selfless is to be more concerned with the well being and wishes of others and not one self. On the other hand, being selfish is simply being concerned with one's own self, well being and pleasure.
I would argue that most of the time we are selfless at the expense of our our well being. It takes two to be happy. Why are we told to not think of our own happiness. When we do we feel guilty.