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Friday, February 27, 2009

The day the earth stood still...

When I know, I know, yet sometimes I really had no idea that I had no clue and I knew nothing. I had a great conversation a couple nights ago and there was some strange lucidity to the comments that flowed from this woman's lips. "If you don't have a desire to marry her, then likely she's not the right person."
What the hell do I do with a comment like that? It was apropos of nothing! But then it seeped into my brain and sprouted a thought...
Over time we can convince, or even train ourselves, to believe we have deep feelings for someone. Case in point. If you have been with someone for a long period and everything seems to be "OK," the typical thought is "why change something that's working?" Well, then I had a different experience, which really aided me in fully understanding the entirety of that lucid comment. I met someone, who I immediately realized I wanted to marry and have little offsprings! I thought "what the hell is wrong???" I had never had that feeling before. What was worse, it didn't go away!
I'm starting to think there is something to this notion that if you don't "feel it" likely you never will (with that person).

1 comment:

  1. So you believe in "love at first sight?"
