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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cutting bait...

I know the signs. You know of what I speak. The signs: whether a woman is interested or not. On one of my many plane trips I watched a funny movie "He's just not that into you." I can't really remember the point of the movie with feeling like crap on the plane and all, but the theme was girl thinks every guy is into her so gets swept up in an imaginary romance only to discover it was all her own folly.
Then there's me. I love every woman. Well, at least for a little bit. Then I start seeing things that piss me off. Then I become an a--hole. Then it falls apart. From what I can tell, excuse or not, it's a result of my own unrealistic expectations.


  1. Expectations are a tough one, huh? They can send us soaring into unknown territory and a fantasy world that's hard to get back home from. When I'm really really present and practicing being so (Tantra), I can watch my mind go 'there' and bring it back. In my flirting classes, I teach people to be present in the moment (and not just cliche about it but truly, okay with this moment, this person in front of you, 'this' date, this conversation) and take it from there. None of us can predict the future anyway, so why let the mind try!

    I'm glad you start out loving every woman and I think it's possible to keep loving and then loving some more.

    Flirtatiously yours,

  2. merci! "present" is sooooo key. Serendipitously, I was thinking of just that this evening on my way home!
